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Solicitudes De Industria Química / Sustancias Químicas / Azerbaiyán

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Our company is in Azerbaijan which produce modern electrical equipments and want to buy epoxy mold release for epoxy transformer and epoxy insulation. It is a transparent liquid with an oily content, which creates a layer between the mold and epoxy. It helps to easily separate from the mold. After separating the transformer from the mold, the mold is easily cleaned. The transparency of the mold is not lost.

transformator icin epoksi recine ve sertlestirici uretiyormusunuz?

Firmaniz hakkinda arastirma yaptik ve sizin imalatinizdan zemin icin EPOXY Recine ve Sertlestirici satin alma hedefimiz icin avantajli bulduk. Urunlerin fiyat listesini ogrenmek ve satin alma surecini gorusmek istiyoruz.

Could you please provide offer for below, based on EXW delivery terms:

Ben epoxy resin almaq istiyorum.Kimile bu konuda irtibata kece bilirim?

Selam men rox epoksi malzemesiyle ilgilnirem ve eger mumkunse sizinle konushub iyi bir fiyat almam lazim ve ya sizin bakida her hangi bir numayendeniz varsa numara veresiniz onceden teshekkurler

Apoyo Volver Arriba