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Solicitudes De Industria De Maquina / Embalaje - Clasificación - Llenado / Turquía

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Yazdirma yapistirma ve paketleme komple hat makinesi ariyorum Yardimci olabilir misiniz

Irak'ta bir firmayiz. Saatte 5 ton kapasiteli patates kizartmasi icin uretim hatti makinesi almak istiyoruz.

I will want to find the prices of your products of the ice cream factory units and your catalog thank you for reading you as soon as possible.

We intend to buy a 2 M.Tons per hour capacity plant of Macaroi Pasta from Turkey. Producers are requested to contact us.

Hello, we are looking for this product , please can help me, i need like that

merhabalar. turk afrika ihracat biz malide bir un fabrikasi kurmak istiyoruz . gunluk 200 ton uretiyor bir fabrika . saygilarimla.

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