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Nuestra organización está interesada en una silla y requiere una solicitud de cotización para continuar con el proceso de adquisición. Envíeme su catálogo electrónico a mi correo electrónico o WhatsApp. Indique todos los datos relevantes de precio y entrega.

Necesito algunos artículos de Turquía. Tengo un bloque de apartamentos y necesito algunos artículos como muebles para 35 apartamentos. 35 cocinas pequeñas de 2,10 m². Puedo enviar una lista correcta. No busco productos de lujo, pero deben ser de buena calidad para su uso como albergue. Necesito estos artículos con urgencia.

I hope you are doing well. I am currently developing an A******* business focused on products for children, particularly for newborns up to one year old. So far, I have worked with exporters in China, but I am now interested in exploring new import opportunities from Turkey due to its proximity to Europe, which would be advantageous in terms of logistics and costs, as I am based in the UK. My store focuses on products like baby socks, sets that include socks and bibs, and fun or themed items like socks with plush toys. I have noticed that there is a wide variety of similar products available in the Turkish market, and I would like to learn more about how you operate and the possibilities for sourcing or producing products that align with this niche. I am keen to explore the potential for creating a successful commercial relationship based on high-quality products, competitive pricing, and efficient delivery times. If possible, I would love to discuss further how we could collaborate in the production and export of these products. Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

We are a company that does import and export business in Nilufer, Bursa. Please send me a catalog and price list of all baby products.

how much is the price of such a chair total required 280 chairs how much are your prices Yel***

Bana Tahtadan bir ogrenme kulesi yapabilen sirket lazim. Fotoraflari size gonderiyorum. Ayda 50 ile 400 e kadar satis yapabilirim. Ona gorede siparisim olacak tabi. Eger bu turlu Kule yapabiliriz diyorsaniz daha ince datailere girebiliriz. Yukseklik 85cm genisligi 40 ile 50 arasi olacak.

hi i am looking for baby products like strollers high chairs swings ....

I'm looking for baby items: such as baby bottles, potty, furniture, high chairs and other related products.

I am looking for a high chair for baby to be delivered internationally.

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