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Solicitudes De Construcción Y Edificación / Pavimentos - Azulejos

Estás viendo anuncios Publicación de Compra en la subcategoría Pavimentos - Azulejos de la categoría Construcción y Edificación

Necesitamos geomembrana lisa, ¿la fabrican? Cantidad 300 000 m2 Tipo de materia prima: HDPE Espesor nominal: 2,5 mm Resistencia a la tracción no inferior a 67 kN/m Alargamiento de rotura no inferior al 700 % Límite elástico no inferior a 37 kN/m Resistencia a la perforación no inferior a 800 N Resistencia al desgarro, al menos 311 N Ancho no inferior a 4 m

Dear Sir, we are a company from Serbia, we have quite a large network of geotextile buyers, we cooperated with some companies from Turkey, what is the lowest price of geotextile that you can offer me (gray geotextile 200g, 300g, 500g and white geotextile 200g, 300g, 500g), also we are also interested in your products for acoustic and thermal insulation... We are interested in selling and pricing large quantities, we sell 15-20 truckloads of geotextiles per year? thanks in advance

Somos distribuidores de productos geosintéticos en Pakistán. Estamos buscando fabricantes con líneas de productos diversificadas. En este sentido, me pongo en contacto con ustedes para conocer su presencia actual en Pakistán. Queremos ampliar la gama de ofertas para nuestros clientes en Pakistán, en particular para proyectos relacionados con obras de infraestructura.

I will place an order for the Horseshoe Field Ground Mix Geotextile and Fiber Floor Product. I will order a Mixed Geotextile and Fiber Base Product to be used in the field of horses.

We are currently looking for a supplier of Textured Perforated Geocell conforming to the attached specifications with the following quantity: 1. Geocell 712-100 = 50,000 m2

Polyethylene Sheet 1.5mm - 1500 Micron - 2 Sides ( Soft / Tough ) will be used for water Lining a canal Required quantity is 6 million Square meter .

we are a manufacturer (small municipal metal structures) and a regional trader, We are looking for a reliable supplier for geotextiles. I am asking for your commercial offer for needle-woven and heat-fixed geotextiles with a density from 70 to 500 g/m2

Woven geotextile fabric, 40kN/m Tensile Strength kindly I request this as soon as possibl and this has to be made in turkey

Can you please share some names in turkey who are manufacturing Polypropylene based geosynthetics

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