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Estoy buscando un proveedor/fabricante de equipos de laboratorio para materiales civiles, como máquinas de compresión, etc. Trabajamos como distribuidor en Arabia Saudita para el mismo campo. Envíenos detalles.

¿Tiene algún contacto con empresas que fabriquen equipos para asfalto? Busco una empresa que se asocie conmigo en un proyecto de pavimentación de carreteras en el sur de Libia. La distancia de este proyecto es de 170 kilómetros. Quiero una empresa de construcción de carreteras con su equipo. Seremos socios en este proyecto.

Necesitamos 15 000 m2 de geomembrana T-HDPE de 3 mm de espesor y 400 m2 de membrana T-HDPE de 1,5 mm para un proyecto en curso. Envíenos sus datos de contacto para enviar una consulta con las especificaciones. Móvil: +968****** 97******* (solo WhatsApp) Teléfono: +968*******

Somos distribuidores de productos geosintéticos en Pakistán. Estamos buscando fabricantes con líneas de productos diversificadas. En este sentido, me pongo en contacto con ustedes para conocer su presencia actual en Pakistán. Queremos ampliar la gama de ofertas para nuestros clientes en Pakistán, en particular para proyectos relacionados con obras de infraestructura.

i need to purchase Geotextile Fabric , big amount with specific Specifications. so i need supplier can support me with offers for what i need

•Construction of new primary and secondary drainage and rainwater treatment plants in cities. Improvement of existing infrastructures. Reduction of flood risk in cities. Improvement of urban environment, hygiene and cleanliness conditions. Reduction of pollution levels in cities. Increase urban mobility. Strengthening of municipalities’ infrastructure management capacities. Scope of Work: •Construction of rainwater drainage channels. Regulation of related roads. Partnership Requirements: 1. International experience in the field. 2. Provision of the necessary materials for the implementation of such studies. 3. Submission of a reference list of implemented projects. 4. Having solid financial resources for the implementation of such studies.

I hope you are doing well. My name is S****, and I am the business development manager of the G*****. We are looking for a manufacturer of materials for highways, bridges and building projects for which we supply materials here in Canada. We are very interested in exploring the possibility of partnering with your company to bring your products to the Canadian market. Could you please provide us with a catalogue of your available products, including specifications and pricing? Additionally, we would like to know more about your production capacity, delivery timelines, and any certifications or standards your products meet. Could we arrange a call or meeting to discuss this potential collaboration in more detail at your earliest convenience? Your earliest response would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and consideration. We look forward to the possibility of working together.

I want a rebar concrete almost 1000 ton . Rolling tolerance -10 or -8 Or B500 standard

I am looking for Civil Engineering Laboratory EQuipment supplier from Turkey Can you provide me a list of Turkish manufacturers supplying Civil Engineering LAb Equipments

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