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Estamos buscando importar contenedores de bórax decahidratado a Sudáfrica. ¿Pueden ayudarnos con estos productos?

Necesito este producto, Borax Decahidrato (Na₂B₄O₇·5H₂O). ¿Podrían ayudarme con información sobre el suministro y el precio?

I'm looking for an RFQ for Borax decahydrate. Please provide detailed information about your products, including technical specifications, availability and prices.

In our production process we use colemanite with a granulometry of 0 to 30 mm (NOT IN POWDER). We are looking for suppliers of colemanite with these characteristics and with a Boron concentration greater than 40%. In this sense, we request an offer for the supply of 60 tons including shipping to Madrid - Spain.

I would like to purchase borax (Na2B4O7·5H2O) and pentaborax (Na2B4O7·5H2O), as well as soda ash dense, from your company.

Dear All, we are a customer from China, wanting some Borax Pentahydrate. If you have Chinese agents, could you pls give us their contact? Much appreciated

I need borax Large quantity Borax pentahydrate Name: **** Tel: **** China Email: **** 30 tons of borax pentahydrate. 99.5 content

At this stage, I want 100 kg, and if you sell it in Georgia? Borax Pentahydrate 600/700 kg per year

I need one container of borax I need prices CIF ASHDOD

Hello there we are a company in Kabul Afghanistan Pamir pharma and we need borax powder from you.

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