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Solicitudes De Automotriz - Vehículos / Autobuses Del Municipio

Estás viendo anuncios Publicación de Compra en la subcategoría Autobuses del Municipio de la categoría Automotriz - Vehículos

Hydraulic pumps for recovery trucks to import

We want concrete diesel pump truck I'm from Iran

I need a high pressure pump for aquajet truck to unplug th sewer pipes of beirut city

We are interested to catalog for your product and contact to start communicate we need to 2 batching plant machine mobile and equipment 6 truck and 1 pump to Congo pointe noire

Kindly quote me the following : - Concrete pump truck - no specifications - Mixer truck - 8m3

Can you please quote for us vacuum Sewer pumps mounted on trucks

A mixer with a filling vessel 3 meters 48m pump 5 cars transporting concrete 10 meters 1 bulldozer to lift materials.

if we can get for your Whatsapp we can send u the images including the name plate .

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