This is A*********, in representation of the Spanish company *********.
If this is not the correct contact way, could you please, redirect me to the right department?
Here at **********, we specialize in the vehicles maintenance and spare parts distribution for both, Military (C*******B) and Civil Sector.
To attend our customers, we're looking for a reliable partner who can provide genuine CUMMINS, IVECO and others spares.
Do you have the possibility to sell to Spain? In that case, could I take advantage and ask you for price and lead time for some spares I have to quote?
We're looking for the following spare parts refs and units:
Qty. PN NSN Description
6 5273298 2815016851272 BLOCK, CYLINDER
15 4938693 3040015852568 HOUSING PART,MECHANICAL DRIVE
165 4921686 2990015564239 SENSOR,CRANKSHAFT POSITION,EMISS