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Services / Intermediation Requests

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Tnanslation services Legal process follow-up, customs follow-up, hotel & transportation & security services in your business for export&import in Turkey.

Our company is specialized in the field of procurement, product sourcing, and supply, in which we can support your company's all types of product requirements.

We are professional to clear shipment destination in China port for china importer.

Currently, I am planning to send some herbals from lsrael to Us. So, I would love you to act as my custom broker and clear the shipment for me. Can you do that for me?

I can assist you in custom clearance with very affordable charges and safe deliveries to your destination.

I need warehause in Turkey for consolidate cargo for shipment to Russia

Turkiyeden Isvicreye zeytinyag gondermek istiyorum. Gumruk ve transfer islerini gerceklestirecek firma ariyorum.

Rusya ve Turkiye’de ki uzman personelleri ile musterilerine; gumrukleme, lojistik, handling , urun kontrol ve elektronik etiket uygulama, depolama, dagitim, danismanlik ve sertifikasyon hizmetlerinin tamamini birlikte veya ayri ayri verebilmektedir.

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