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Safety and Security Equipments Importers, Turkey Import Companies

Turkey Importer Companies and Safety and Security Equipments Import Trade Listing

You are viewing the posts at Safety and Security Equipments category from Turkey

We have previously reached many suppliers through this platform for the supply of disposable laminated coveralls, we want to get support on this issue again Disposable laminated coveralls, should not let liquid and dust through, have high strength, have stripes are our priority, the monthly quantities we plan to buy are 1500-2000,

As D***** H******, we meet the needs of construction sites and factories in the Kocaeli region. We would like to meet your construction gloves, work shoes and hard hat needs. Contact us for more information and orders. Communication: Phone: +9*********** Email: d**********@*******.com

Ben is eldiveni almak istiyorum yuksek miktarda iletisime gecelim

Merhabalar ; kolay gelsin ....Firmamiz ; is elbisecilere ve is guvenlik isi yapanlara toptan stoktan yazlik kislik ayni gun Kargo ile urun tedarigi saglamaktadir ... detayli bilgiyi bu numaradan alabilirsiniz...(PDF dosya gonderildi inceleyip donebilirsiniz )

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