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Paper - Packaging - Printing Importers, Turkmenistan Import Companies

Turkmenistan Importer Companies and Paper - Packaging - Printing Import Trade Listing

You are viewing the posts at Paper - Packaging - Printing category from Turkmenistan

Hello! I am interested in the prices for plastic bags with a loop handle. The sizes are 35x25 and 40x50. Please tell me the minimum order quantity.

şirketinin ticari müdürüyüm polipropilen çuvallarinin üretimini yapmaktayiz Türkmenistan’da Türkiye pazarina çikmak isteriz

Production of high quality polypropylene and polyethylene bags.

Polietilen-Polipropilen Rulolar-Cuvallar Turkmenistanda yuksek kaliteli Polietilen ve Polipropilen rulolar ve hazir halindeki cuvallarin uretiminde iri onde gelen sirketlerinden biriyiz, urunlerimiz cesitli renkli ve cesitli agirlikta olup, musterinin istegine gore uretilir. Urunlerimiz tum lojistik sartlari altinda ihrac edilir.

I would like to show you a roll for a bag Isleyorus We are from the White Oil Company We are 55 * 105cm - 60,70,80gr 50 * 100cm - 55.60.70g Rulan, 80 100th - Rulan 120-year-old Rulan We want to sell our products

Biz Turkmenistandan ticaret sirketi olarak size cok kaliteli PP ve PE dokuma cuvallarimiz en iyi fiyata sunabiliriz.

We produce PP and PE woven sacks in different dimensions and export them. Our products are preferred in many different countries and we can supply big amount of sacks.

Polipropilen polietilen​ cuvallaryn ujuz​ fiyatdan satyjakmyz,

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