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Industrial Products Requests

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A large number of household gas cylinders, 12.5kg/26.2L cylinders, will be purchased for government projects abroad. If you are a manufacturer or would like to supply, please contact us. Other information will be shared with you if you contact us.

We are invited to present our offer for tender in West Africa to supply 200K of LPG Cylinders of 12.50Kg. Please quote us for above-mentioned item along with full specifications, your offer must be FOB Your port of Loading.

Please can I get a quote for a 10 tonne lpg gas tank? Below is a sample picture.

Could you post my request for manufacturers for: Static horizontal underground tank for storage of LPG, diameter φ2200mm.

give me the number of the lpg gas cylinder factory i want to buy 2 lpg gas cylinder containers

I need to visit your factory next week. Please confirm you address. need to check LPG tank manafacturing

80-100 metre uzunluğunda ve 10 metre çapında olması durumunda LPG varilinin üretilme ihtimalini teyit ediniz. LPG duvarlarına ilişkin Türk standartları nelerdir? tek duvar mı çift duvar mı? Hangi metal kullanılıyor? inşaat zaman dilimi? Üretim yeri fabrika mı yoksa montaj yeri müşteri mi? Lütfen bu projeyi hesaplayın. toplam uzunluğu 80 ve 100 metredir. ve lütfen malzemeyi sağlamamız koşuluyla işi de hesaplayın. Cevabını dört gözle bekliyorum.

Good evening I am looking for an urgent supplier of these products. 1 - 2 skids (cylinder filling machine) 2 - the fire pump (complete) 3 - complete valves

We are looking to buy LPG tank`s , for the Europe Maket. Form 12kg to 34 kg. Please share prices. We also need tanks 1750 liters, 2700 liters , 4850 liters.

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