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Philippines Electric – Electronic Importer Companies

Philippines Electric – Electronic Importer Companies and Import Opportunities Listing

You are viewing Buying Post posts at Electric – Electronic category from Philippines

Electrical panel with a meter (SchE) at the input NYM cable 3x1.5 rnrre NYM cable 3)2.0 mm' NYM cable 3x4 mm' Cable NYM 4x4 mm' single-key Switch,220V, 10A Sealed Two-Pin Switch,22V, 10 Sealed Single-key Switch,220V, 10A Socket For (10A 220V), Sealed, With Grounding contact Sealing Lamp with Fluorescent lamps 4x18 W sealed Flourescent lamps 40W Wall Lamp with Flourecent Lamps 18 W sealed Fluorescent lamps 18W Wall lamp with incandescent lamp, E27, sealed Ceiling lamp with incandescent lamp, E27, sealed Incandescent lamp 100 W inaandescen[ lamp 40 W Electrical panel with a meter (SchE) at the input NYM cable 3x1.5 rnrre NYM cable 3)2.0 mm' NYM cable 3x4 mm' Cable NYM 4x4 mm' single-key Switch,220V, 10A Sealed Two-Pin Switch,22V, 10 Sealed Single-key Switch,220V, 10A Socket For (10A 220V), Sealed, With Grounding contact Sealing Lamp with Fluorescent lamps 4x18 W sealed Flourescent lamps 40W Wall Lamp with Flourecent Lamps 18 W sealed Fluorescent lamps 18W Wall lamp with incandescent lamp, E27, sealed Ceiling lamp with incandescent lamp, E27, sealed Incandescent lamp 100 W incandescent lamp 40 W Cooling System Indoor unit Inverter Exhaust -2.61KW Cooling System Indoor unit Inverter Exhaust -2.67KW Cooling System indoor unit Inverter,Exhaust -5.3KW Cooling System VRF outdoor unit, Exhaust -8.0KW: Consumption -2.87 KW Cooling System VRF outdoor unit, Exhaust -8.0KW: Consumption -2.87 KW Double Socket (10A 220V), Sealed, with grounding contact Socket For (10A 220V), Sealed, With Grounding contact Terminal block for 4 terminals Telephone junction box 10x2 Dual telephone socket, RJ45 connector Telephone cable PDV 2x2x0.5 rnm' Telephone cable PDV 500.5 mm - 18-pod switch (SWITCH TV socket TV cable RG591U11 Tv. cable RG5915 Insulated Copper Pipe

Im interested on you GIS? Do you have 15kV GIS Gas Insulated Switchgear up to 24kV

I need lightning arrester Do you the brand. Protector ESE?

We are looking for manufactures who can partner with us in EPC Projects or as Principals for equipment supply only businesses

We are looking for direct manufacturer of Electrical Supplies.

I would to have more products from turkey specially for mv disconnect switch and lv current transformer

inquiry for, vacumm dehydration filtration Is there any can provide catalog/technical for my inquiry of Vacuum dehydration filtration use for Power Generation Plant?

I would like to request for quotation on this following description: 1. for 72M radius 2. for 107M radius 3. Lightning strike counter

1. Capacitve Sensor DOL 44RG (90-265Vac) for silo auger 2. Quantity: 31 Pcs 3. Shipped to Philippines

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