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About wheat cereal : 25.000 ton
(1) Moisture: Moisture is based on 12.5%, with 11.5%15%. Incomplete particles>15% will be rejected; Note: Incomplete particles include insect eroded particles, moldy particles, diseased particles, damaged particles, sprouting particles, and heat damaged particles;
(5) Side by side miscellaneous: Side by side miscellaneous shall be based on 0.5%, with 0.5% < side by side miscellaneous ≤ 0.8%, and 0.15% of weight shall be deducted for each 0.1% increase. Side by side miscellaneous > 0.8% shall be rejected; Note: If the side by side impurities ≤ 0.5% are combined into the calculation of impurities, they will not be deducted separately. If the side by side impurities>0.5%, the side by side impurities and impurities will be calculated separately and deducted separately;
(6) Aflatoxin: Aflatoxin is based on 20ppb, with a price reduction of 20 yuan/ton if 20ppb < Aflatoxin ≤ 30ppb; Reject if aflatoxin>30ppb;