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قائمة الإعلانات

I am writing to express my interest in establishing long-term partnerships with reputable suppliers and manufacturers in the baby products industry. I am in the process of launching a comprehensive retail store focusing on products for newborns and toddlers. This flagship project will be based in Tripoli, Lebanon, offering parents a one-stop shop for all their essential needs. The scope of our product offerings will encompass various categories, including but not limited to: • Feeding equipment and supplies (e.g., bottles, sterilizers, high chairs)

أبحث عن منتجات ما بعد الولادة مثل: - أكواب الحلمات الفضية - وسادات جل الثدي للساخن/البارد - كريم الحلمات - وسادات جل العجان للساخن/البارد - أجهزة تدليك الثدي للرضاعة الطبيعية - وسادات العجان المبردة الفورية - ملابس داخلية شبكية لما بعد الولادة - حمالة صدر للرضاعة - وسادة للرضاعة للتوصيل إلى شمال مقدونيا.

Here is our new request for tender. In the attachment of the letter, you may find the info we need. Please provide us with the feedback (prices, period of production, payment conditions and so on). Thank you in advance for your rapid response!

Dear sirs, are you able to offer new production of follow forged fittings in one week – 10 days max. Carbon steel Olet fittings as per MSS SP-97, mat. ASTM A350 Grade LF2 Class 1 Nipolet, NPT (M), run pipe 48'' ½" (DN15), class 3000 -50pcs ½" (DN15), class 6000 - 260pcs Tredolet, NPT (F), class 6000 1" (DN25), run pipe 8'' - 100pcs 1" (DN25), run pipe 4'' - 50pcs

Can you send me your company profile for ( ductile pipe fitting for under ground drinking water network about 100 km long )?

Hello, I need a list of Turkish manufacturers of equipment, tools and consumables for livestock farming Namely for cows, calves, bulls, goats, sheep. Only equipment, veterinary preparations (medicines) are not interesting

May the peace, blessings, and mercy of God be upon you Types of baby bottles need and a price quote for a company in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Thank you

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