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Yapı ve İnşaat kategorisindeki Tuğla – Blok – Refrakter alt kategorisindeki ilanları görüntülüyorsunuz

Could you please send me companylist mentioning production steel piping including cement lining for watertransport

We need cement pipes from 0.8 inches to 1.5 Metres Our details is 009627*********5 ge**********

i have other categories as well for materials required is it possible to suggest suppliers 1. Concrete Pipes 2. GCL 3. Geomembrane Liner 4. Geotextile 5. HDPE Pipes 6. PPR Pipes & Fittings 7. UPVC Pipes & Fittings 8.Valves

do u have concrete REINFORCED and UN REINFORCED pipe

Models of pipe machines Manufacture of concrete pipes

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