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Savunma Sanayii / Silahlar - Tüfekler / Yunanistan Talepleri

Yunanistan'den Savunma Sanayii kategorisindeki Silahlar - Tüfekler alt kategorisindeki ilanları görüntülüyorsunuz

hello, i am searching ammunition of a shooting sporting club. Need to contact turkish manufacturers. any proposal from you will be nice and welcomed too. thank you in advance.

i need some info for yavex 9mm please wholesale

Me and my partner are trap shooters and also we run a gun and ammunition shop. Both of us use for personal reasons ( training and games ) about 45-50.000 cartridges 12 gauge 24 gram 7.5 ( trap) per year .

Pls let us know if you produce gun bags

I am looking for some new companies in Turkey for cooperation in defense small firearms such as pistols, semi auto rifles

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