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Otomotiv - Taşıt Araçları / Otomotiv Isıtma-Soğutma / Bangladeş Talepleri

Bangladeş'den Otomotiv - Taşıt Araçları kategorisindeki Otomotiv Isıtma-Soğutma alt kategorisindeki ilanları görüntülüyorsunuz

We are searching a good and capable suppliers from your country. We had seen the iems you are dealing is good for us. Specially we are interested for the spare parts of APC BTR-80, MaxxPro, MBT-2000, Mi-171SH, others vehicles, etc. . If you are interested to business with us We will be very happy to work with you.

Mainly supply Defense Hardware. Now I'm looking for Spare parts & Tire of Armored Personal Carrier BTR-80. Please Contact me in WhatsApp or email.

We are looking to regularly import Hyundai, Scania, DAF etc. OEM parts .for Bangladesh market

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