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/ Alım Satım İlanları için İhracatı İlanları, İthalat ve İhracat

/ İthalat İhracat Şirketleri Alım Teklifleri / İthalat İhracat Fırsatları

Otomotiv - Taşıt Araçları kategorisindeki Otomotiv Elektronik Parçaları alt kategorisindeki ilanları görüntülüyorsunuz

We need spare parts for vehicles. Can you give me please your email, I will send the list of spare parts we need

Need to purchase large quantities of filter and parts for my company in Jamaica

We export 97% of our production to over 30 countries around the World. Annual production of spark plugs is 18 – 20 million pieces, 200 tons of technical ceramics and around 2 million of igniters /gas electrodes/ and components for his assembly. Enker is currently leader in production of Spark Plugs and Technical Ceramics for Southeastern Europe. Phone: +38***********9 , 38**********4 Fax: +387 ******** e-mail: riz*****c@*******.ba www: www.******.com

I have a workshop in Crimea for the repair of starters and alternators. We also sell new starters and alternators wholesale and retail. Would you be so kind as to provide a catalog of your products?

I want to import auto spare parts from Iran, I want to meet wholesalers and manufacturers

As our Company is highly interested in purchasing Auto spare parts from your esteemed house, you are hereby requested to please quickly send all your products details to our WhatsApp line +234********1 with the prices in US$ for our immediate selections and booking of our order with you

Looking for manufacturer of spark plug complete or metal body. Our annual need is ~3.5 million pieces across ~40 part numbers.

My company sells automotive spare parts wholesale and retail and I want to sell

We are interested in MAZDA E-SERIES PREMACY DEMIO 2.0 LTR DIESEL spare parts. Please check if you supply these parts . Thanks and best regards . Our company name is Su******** and my phone number is +98********** kindly find my business card attached.

It's up to you to tell us what you propose Original or Adaptable Filter Shock absorber Belt Ball joint Etc...

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