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/ Alım Satım İlanları için İhracatı İlanları, İthalat ve İhracat

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Otomotiv - Taşıt Araçları kategorisindeki Otomobil - Yedek Parçaları alt kategorisindeki ilanları görüntülüyorsunuz

I want to obtain a cost breakdown for Caterpillar Spare Parts that provides a detailed breakdown of costs, payment terms, and delivery timelines.

I am looking to receive a comprehensive pricing offer for Original Komatsu Spare Parts, including product details, bulk discounts, and delivery schedules.

The demand for car handles in Ghana, West Africa, is very high. I would like to become your sole agent in Ghana, West Africa, for your company. I am interested in importing large quantities of your products to be sold here.

We are searching to purchase the attached spare parts. We are not only interested in a one-time purchase, but are also intending for long-term cooperation. Can you provide your offer based on the attached list? We can have a conference call for a detailed discussion.

How can I find Toyota Corolla parts manufacturers? I am looking for wholesale parts such as bumpers, only for the Toyota Corolla sedan (E21). Can offers only be sent by email?

We need; Komatsu Spare Parts Komatsu Gd555-5 Grade Motorcycle, Series 55634 Jack Terminals Direction Quantity Bushing Assembly 23b-27-11800 2 Ring 23b-27-31570 2 Boot 23b-27-31840 2 Stud Ball 23c-27-51141 2 Washer 23d-27-11940 2 Nut 01592-32427 2 Pin Cotter 04050-15045 2 Pin Principal Manzana Pin 23b-27-11250 2 Seal Dust 07145-00045 8 Bushing 07144-10405 4 Cover 23b-27-11270 2 Bearing 23b-27-11281 2 Pin Gato Angulacion De Llanta Rh Pin 23a-27-11330 1 Spacer 23a-27-11390 1 Seal Dust 07145-00045 4 Bushing 23a-27-11630 2 Pin Gato Angulacion De Llanta Lh Pin 23a-27-11310 1 Pin Punta Paralelas Pin 23a-27-31520 2 Seal Dust 07145-0004o 8 Bushing 23a-27-11620 4 Punta Barra Direccion Bushing 23b-27-11800 2 Ring 23b-27-31570 2 Boot 23b-27-31840 2 Stud Ball 23c-27-51152 2 Pin Central Paralelas Shaft 23a-27-31350 1 Bushing 07143-10506 1 Bushing 07144-10506 1 Seal Dust 07145-00055 5 Pin Bocines Gatos Seal Dust 07145-00045 2 Bushing 707-76-45120 1 Seal Dust 07145-00040 2 Bushing 07144-10404 1 Ring Snap 04065-05520 4 Bushing 707-76-35010 2 Pin 23a-27-11530 1 Pin 23b-27-31540 2

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