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Otomotiv - Taşıt Araçları / Kanada Alım Satım İş Birliği Nakliye İhale İlanları Kanada için İhracatı İlanları, Kanada İthalat ve İhracat

Otomotiv - Taşıt Araçları / Kanada İthalat İhracat Şirketleri Alım Teklifleri Kanada İthalat İhracat Fırsatları

Kanada'den Otomotiv - Taşıt Araçları kategorisindeki ilanları görüntülüyorsunuz

We are a Canadian supplier of radiators and related coolers to the mining industries. Presently, we are searching for potential co-operators in order to expand our offering to our North American customer base. I would like to initiate a conversation about such possibilities with your company.

We are a Canadian supplier of radiators and related coolers to the truck. Presently, we are searching for potential co-operators in order to expand our offering to our North American customer base. I would like to initiate a conversation about such possibilities with your company.

We are a Canadian supplier of radiators and related coolers to the auto. Presently, we are searching for potential co-operators in order to expand our offering to our North American customer base. I would like to initiate a conversation about such possibilities with your company.

I want to start exporting tires From you company What Brand do you guys have ?

Hi, We are one of the largest oem charger manufacturer and distributer in North America. We are currently looking for a European partner to manufacture chargers. If you are interested, please let us know. I will be in Istanbul for the <b>EVCharger</b> show on November 13th-17th.

Dear Sir We are interested to import Entifreeze 100% Concentrate, And suitable for -50 degree Gallons of 4 or 5 litres Thanks

We are looking for Manufacturer/Supplier for car tires.

We are looking for company dor we can cooperate on building and distribution's of CNG Compression Natural Gas convention system components like CNG Cylinders, Covertion Kits, CNG Storage Cylinders, Compressor, Pumps and Dispensers. Please get in touch with me if you’re interested. Kind regards Farouq

Sürtünme plakaları için büyük bir sipariş vermemde bana yardımcı olacak bir satış temsilcisi talep etmek istiyorum.

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