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Makine Sanayii / Paketleme - Sınıflandırma - Dolum / Uganda Talepleri

Uganda'den Makine Sanayii kategorisindeki Paketleme - Sınıflandırma - Dolum alt kategorisindeki ilanları görüntülüyorsunuz

we are interested in Turkish integrated productin line machines and consultation, Thank you.

Please I would like to procure a paper straw making machine Contact: +256************ Product Details: Drinking Paper Straw Making Machine

I am looking for long cut pasta production line fully automatic and semi automatic line for uganda

A contractor of to supply and construct a sugar factory of 2500tcd

Am looking for a machine which is used to manufacture labaratory equipments such as burretts, conical flasks and other labaratory equipments

I'm looking a factory that can manufacture for such plastic Items a full machine of manufacturing plastic things

Please quote for me for me a maize milling machine 20 to 30tns in 24hrs

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