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Kimya Sanayii / Yunanistan Alım Satım İş Birliği Nakliye İhale İlanları Yunanistan için İhracatı İlanları, Yunanistan İthalat ve İhracat

Kimya Sanayii / Yunanistan İthalat İhracat Şirketleri Alım Teklifleri Yunanistan İthalat İhracat Fırsatları

Yunanistan'den Kimya Sanayii kategorisindeki ilanları görüntülüyorsunuz

We are exploring the option of purchasing Acrylic Resins and request an RFQ outlining prices, terms, and availability.

We are exploring the option of purchasing Solvent Based Resins and request a price estimate outlining prices, terms, and availability.

Could you send us a quote for Epoxy Resin, ensuring that all crucial factors like pricing and delivery are addressed?

I want to obtain a cost breakdown for Alkyd Resin that provides a detailed breakdown of costs, payment terms, and delivery timelines.

We are trade company in Greece and we are interesting about all your products of which similar we are selling with success in our market.

I am looking for a Turkish producer of LABSA Large quantity. We are distributors. We are looking strictly for a manufacturer who holds REACH registration certificate Quantity: FCL, IBCs packaging Thank you so much! But please, strictly manufacturers from Turkey. Also, I have another inquiry. SLES 70%, FCL, IBCs and palletized drums Again only from a producer Quotations CIF Piraeus port or DAP Aspropyrgos 19300 depending on the way of transport

we are a company in Greece, we produce stevia sweetener and we are interested in erythritole. We use it as a raw material. If you have such product please contact with us

hello dear sir madam. am interested in laurel oil for soap. quantity approximately 3T. thank you very much in advance. best regards.

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