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Kimya Sanayii / Deterjan Hammaddeleri / Bulgaristan Talepleri

Bulgaristan'den Kimya Sanayii kategorisindeki Deterjan Hammaddeleri alt kategorisindeki ilanları görüntülüyorsunuz

we are looking sodium sulfate 110 MT for first phase, below FE <9 please send us quantities and specs

Please send me your quotation for soda caustic E524 technical grade and caustic soda flakes - close to chemically pure along with specifications, certifcates of analysis

we would be grateful for giving us your offer for the following products as monthly supplying: Product Quantity Methanol - 400 (t) tonnes Ethyl acetate - 30 (t) tonnes Acetone - 20 (t) tonnes Isobutanol - 50 (t) tonnes Isopropanol - 50 (t) tonnes Sulfuric acid - 300 (t) tonnes

We are a company in Bulgaria which exploits an installation for reverse osmosis. We use antisalants from Belgium but we look for an alternative supplier. Please inform us whether you have a distributor in Bulgaria which sells your antiscalants.

Could you please give us your offer for supply of one full truck soda caustic in flakes,

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