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Kazakistan İthalat İhracat, Kazakistan İhracat İlanları ,Kazakistan alanında İthalat İhracat Alım Satım Teklifleri Listesi

Kazakistan İthalat ve İhracat Fırsatları Kazakistan İhracatı Teklifleri ile Kazakistan İthalatçıları ve İthalat Şirketleri Listesi

Kazakistan'den ilanları görüntülüyorsunuz

We are considering buying Wunder Filters and request a pricing proposal to guide our decision-making process, including all key terms.

I would like to know about the spare parts for the John Deere tractor. Waiting for an answer from you.

I am looking for a hydraulic pump Original new: 1. Bosch Rexroth EHP24PRL20S008-20G1145N0 - 1 pc 2. A6VM150HA1T30001B/71MWV0R4A18W0-0. -1PC MNR: R902227506 3. A4VG110EP20P000/40MRND6T21UD4V8AE00-0. -1PC MNR: 2157263 4. Valve Rexroth 4WE6 J62/EG24 N9K4

Pressure gauge outlet at the bottom 0-10 bar Glycerin oil Ø100 16 ad Pressure gauge (withstands temperature 170 °C) outlet at the bottom 0-10 bar Glycerin oil Ø100 1 ad Pressure gauge outlet at the bottom 0-16 bar Glycerin oil Ø100 5 ad Pressure gauge outlet at the bottom 0-25 bar Glycerin oil Ø100 5 ad Pressure gauge outlet at the bottom 0-40 bar Glycerin oil Ø100 1 ad Thermometer outlet at the bottom 0-200 °c immersion 10 cm Ø100 1 ad Thermometer outlet at the bottom 0-60 °C immersion 10 cm Ø100 2 ad Thermometer outlet at the bottom 0-120 °c immersion 5 cm Ø100 8 ad

Can you give me a price for spare parts for Hitachi -- Best regards...​ ? G******* Republic of Kazakhst­an A****************5 Mob.: +7​ 7******* Tel.: ​ ​ +7 7************ Е-mail:​ ​ *********

*******a AL 160 butt welding machine- 2 pieces. I want to see the quality of the product. If I like it, I will buy in bulk

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