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Yapı ve İnşaat / Alt Yapı ürünleri İhracat Alım İlanları Malta için Alt Yapı ürünleri İhracatı İlanları, Yapı ve İnşaat / Alt Yapı ürünleri İhracat Alım İlanları

Yapı ve İnşaat için Alt Yapı ürünleri Alım İlanları ve Alt Yapı ürünleri / Malta İhracat Fırsatları

Malta'den Yapı ve İnşaat kategorisindeki Alt Yapı ürünleri alt kategorisindeki Alım Postu ilanlarını görüntülüyorsunuz


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I am looking for manhole covers We are a road contractor building roads and also carrying out service works for utilities like water electricity telecommunication so we are interested in what they can offer

Flanged hot-dipped galvanized steel pipes and fittings to transmit potable water. - Pipe DN350 PN16 Qty: 35m - Pipe DN200 PN16 Qty: 5m - Reducer DN300 – DN200 Flanged Qty: 5 - Tee with branch reducer DN350 – DN200 Flanged Qty: 5 - Reducer DN200 – DN100 Flanged Qty: 2 - Elbow DN200 Flanged Qty: 5 - Elbow DN350 Flanged Qty: 4 - Tee DN350 Flanged Qty: 4 - Blank DN350 Flanged Qty: 3 - Pump Bellow DN200 Flanged Qty: 12

I require your best prices including shipment to Malta of the following items - recessed manholes -D400 grade -Galvanised Steel -lockable - Sizes: -- 670 by 670 mm -- 340 by 340 mm Your quickest attention to this request would be highly appreciated

I have a requirement for liquid based membrane for our comany

We need 1350 metres of galvanized steel handrail as per drawing, spray painted with Epoxy paint.

I am looking for galvanized gabion stone cages could you please send me some pictures and prices please,?

Kindly offer for 100mm diam copper pipes, fittings and fixtures, for rainwater drain systems.

I need same information about membrane to be export to malta

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