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Brezilya Tarım Endüstrisi İhracat Alım İlanları Brezilya için Tarım Endüstrisi İhracatı İlanları, Brezilya Tarım Endüstrisi İhracat Alım İlanları

Brezilya için Tarım Endüstrisi Alım İlanları ve Brezilya Tarım Endüstrisi İhracat Fırsatları

Brezilya'den Tarım Endüstrisi kategorisindeki Alım Postu ilanlarını görüntülüyorsunuz

I need producer for automotive urea and urea fertilizer We have high demand for this itens and Turkish suppliers will have priority Automotive Urea, is a granular product, used to manufacture AdBlue (ARLA 32 in Brazil). AdBlue is an additive for diesel, which, if added to the Diesel composition, reduces the pollutant emission rate. We have a huge market for this product in Brazil. If you have a Turkish contact who manufactures this item. If the price is viable (it will probably be viable) my directors will go to Turkey to visit and close a contract with the factory. Our client this month alone purchased 5000 tons of automotive urea And next month it will buy another 5000 tons Its monthly consumption is 10000 tons

We are a trade company from Brazil. We are looking for new suppliers from Turkey especially I need for direct communication per segment of product Can you help me? Polycarbonate Sheet

searching for one of your products, the filtr Mesh 2'

I am from brazil looking for high volume DAP fertilizaer UREA

We are currently looking for Sulphuric Acid – CAS 7664-93-9 grade 98%.

We're looking for a new supplier of Perlite. My current exporter is not supporting our supplying.

Good day, can you please furnish us with full details of your product E-catalogs? We will appreciate it more if you can mail us more detailed specifications and prices, so we could choose the product of our choice. I would like to inform you that the wants to award the contract to a good company that can handle the contract supply of your products. I am an accredited Agent/Representative under the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply Brazil., and we are looking for interested manufacturers and capable suppliers to the Ministry of Agriculture. Reply back to me with the requested details for more information. Payment terms are upfront payment before shipment, etc.

Brezilya firması gübre alacağını duyurdu Brezilya firması gübre alacağını duyurdu

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