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Tarım Endüstrisi İhracat İlanları, Tarım Endüstrisi Alanında İhracat Alım İlanları Listesi

Tarım Endüstrisi İhracat Şirketleri İçin Tarım Endüstrisi İhracat Alım İlanları ve İthalat Şirketleri Listesi

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I am writing from Nigde and I want to get information about mulch nylon I want to buy a white mulch nylon without holes to apply on a 1 acre area for beans, peppers, tomatoes etc.

I have a greenhouse company I search for polyester wire transparent thickness 2.5mm ,2.7mm and 3.0

Request quotation for plastic trays fruit please contact me By WhatsApp 0096*********

We import the following products: - orange emergency fencing, density 60 g/m2, size

We import the following products: - tarpaulin awnings (any density and size from your assortment), - green lattice mesh, 5 g/m2 and 7 g/m2 density, 2*500 m size, 15*15 mm mesh, - green bird nets with 5 g/m2 and 7 g/m2 density, 2*5 m, 2*10 m, 4*5 m size, 19*19 mm mesh, - dark green shading mesh with 25 g/m2 density in 3 threads, 35 and 49 g/m2 density in 6 threads, 30, 40 and 55 g/m2 density in 4 threads, 2 m, 3 m, 4 m, 6 m width, - fasteners for garden and shading nets - round clips "eyelets"

do you have any factories or suppliers in Turkey for terracotta or clay large vintage pots.

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