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Plastik Lastik Sanayii İhracat İlanları, Plastik Lastik Sanayii Alanında İhracat Alım İlanları Listesi

Plastik Lastik Sanayii İhracat Şirketleri İçin Plastik Lastik Sanayii İhracat Alım İlanları ve İthalat Şirketleri Listesi

Plastik Lastik Sanayii kategorisindeki Alım Postu ilanlarını görüntülüyorsunuz

We are constantly seeking reliable suppliers to collaborate with. Ending fittings: movable flanges of both sides, working pressure 8bar, the application: handling chemicals materials ( solvents, Styrene & Toluene )

Please check enclosed as well: - Sewage Pipe Fittings Waiting for your prompt and kind response.

Can you share an RFQ for Pipe Fittings that includes comprehensive details such as volume discounts and contract terms? PP-R 90deg elbow 20mm 500 PP-R 90deg elbow 25mm 500 PP-R 90deg elbow 32mm 100 PP-R 45deg elbow 20mm 400 PP-R 45deg easy bend 25mm 300 PP-R 45deg easy bend 32mm 150 PP-R Socket 32mm 100 PP-R Tee 20mm 500 PP-R Tee 25mm 200 PP-R Tee 32mm 150 PP-R Single Pipe Clamp 20mm 2000 PP-R Single Pipe Clamp 25mm 1000 PP-R Single Pipe Clamp 32mm 500 PP-R Reducer 32-25mm 300 PP-R Crossover with socket long 20mm 100 PP-R Crossoverwith socket long 25mm 100 PP-R Female Elbow 32X1" 50 PP-R Female Round Adaptor 20X1/2" 200 PP-R Female Round Adaptor 25X3/4" 200 PP-R Female Round Adaptor 32X1" 200 PP-R Male Round Adaptor 20X1/2" 200 PP-R Male Round Adaptor 25X3/4" 200 PP-R Male Round Adaptor 32X1" 200 PP-R Female Battery Connection 20X1/2" 100 PP-R Female Hexagonal Connection 20X1/2" 200 PP-R Female Hexagonal Connection 25X3/4" 100 PP-R Female Hexagonal Connection 32X1" 150 PP-R Male Hexagonal Connection 20X1/2" 100 PP-R Male Hexagonal Connection 25X3/4" 100 PP-R Male Hexagonal Connection 32X1" 150 PP-R Female Double Battery Connection 25X1/2" 50 PP-R Male Round Adaptor 25X3/4" 150 PP-R Female Round Adaptor 25X3/4" 150 PP-R end plug 20mm 100 PP-R end plug 25mm 100 PP-R end plug 32mm 50 PP-R blind plug 20mm 500 PVC 87º Elbow 50mm 100 PVC 87º Elbow 110mm 100 PVC 45º Elbow 110mm 100 PVC 87º T-Branch 50mm 50 PVC 87º T-Branch 110mm 20 PVC 45º Y-Branch 50mm 150 PVC 45º Y-Branch 110mm 200 PVC 45º Y- Double Branch 110mm 30 PVC "S" Siphon 110mm 50 PVC Pipe Clamp 50mm 100 PVC Pipe Clamp 110mm 200 PVC 45º Y-Branch 125mm 10

Our team is interested in obtaining 160mm RRJ Flanged Adaptor Qty 6, 150 Flange adapters 90mm uPVC to steel steel to HDPE qty set 1 and requires an RFQ covering all relevant aspects such as payment conditions and delivery terms.

Provide a pricing estimate for 160mm Puddle Flanged Pipe Qty 6 with focus on transparent costs, warranty terms, and delivery expectations.

Hello Dears, Looking for HDPE fittings for a big tender. please contact for more details.

i want to ask about P.E pipes and fittings with diameter 1200 mm for fitting molded type as elbow 90 and elbow 45 with pressure 12.5bar

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