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Moldova Metal Demir Çelik İhracat Alım İlanları Moldova için Metal Demir Çelik İhracatı İlanları, Moldova Metal Demir Çelik İhracat Alım İlanları

Moldova için Metal Demir Çelik Alım İlanları ve Moldova Metal Demir Çelik İhracat Fırsatları

Moldova'den Metal Demir Çelik kategorisindeki Alım Postu ilanlarını görüntülüyorsunuz

Güneş panelleri kurulumu için alüminyum profil satan şirketlerle ilgileniyorum Güneş panelleri için alüminyum yapı! Bu muhtemelen daha doğrudur

Interested in assorted profile steel pipes, assorted sheet steel, assorted steel angles, galvanized steel.

"Hello! We are a metalwork manufacturing company from the Republic of Moldova and we deal in rectangular metal profiles of the following sizes: 40x40x1.5; 40x20x1.5; 60x30x1.5; 80x20x1.5; 100201.5."

Please provide me price and conditions of purchasing galvanized steel sheet 0,7mm (and 0,8mm) thickness. The quality of the sheet is necessary for subsequent cold molding. The quantity for the first shipment is 6 tons. Next shipments plan - 20 tons/months. Terms of delivery - EXW.

I am looking for the T-profile. Delivery to Moldova. Quantity - approx.200 tones. Contact with me please.

We would like to discuss with you about galvanised steel pipe that you produce. These are the specs for what we need in the beginning: 1. Length: 3,5 or 7 metres/pc 2. Diametre between: 56-63 mm 3. Thickness between: 2-3 mm 4. First order will be: 35000 metres 5. Processed steel: galvanized

Good afternoon, I'm interested in the front profile. I am currently in Istanbul

I am interesed in aluminium profile for showcase.Please contact me regarding it.

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