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Mısır Makine Sanayii İhracat Alım İlanları Mısır için Makine Sanayii İhracatı İlanları, Mısır Makine Sanayii İhracat Alım İlanları

Mısır için Makine Sanayii Alım İlanları ve Mısır Makine Sanayii İhracat Fırsatları

Mısır'den Makine Sanayii kategorisindeki Alım Postu ilanlarını görüntülüyorsunuz

Please offer the following komatsu items P.n qty 232-46-53210      2 236-46-13380      2 232-46-54190      2 235-46-11710      4 01598-00608  4 01640-20610  4 01010-81630 4 236-46-13610      4 236-46-13410      2 707-98-2640  2 07000-05150  2 07000-05280  2 07000-05170  2 07012-10095  2 17A-22-46401 4 195-22-72101 1 195-30-51481 1 195-30-34331 1 04064-01030 1 195-78-71380 1

do you have Vulture Vehicle Dismantler o Description: A comprehensive dismantling tool that pulls recyclable parts such as copper wire and motors. o Productivity: High handling up to 35-40 cars per day. o Benefit: Improved material extraction and recycling.

Im searching for a turkish manufacturer to represent his company as a sales agent in egypt im a freelancer and i use my large network with Egyptian businessmen to make big deals and take a commission, so i could cooperate with any company to be as if im their sales employee in egypt (i wont take any salary) just a commission on any deals i get.

I need spare parts for a machine Off this machine hidrolik I want spare parts for my hydraulic machine in my factory

I am looking for Turkish company manufacturing and supplying fast moving replacement parts suitable for Volvo Construction Equipment Aftermarket Parts

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