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Kozmetik Ürünler İhracat İlanları, Kozmetik Ürünler Alanında İhracat Alım İlanları Listesi

Kozmetik Ürünler İhracat Şirketleri İçin Kozmetik Ürünler İhracat Alım İlanları ve İthalat Şirketleri Listesi

Kozmetik Ürünler kategorisindeki Alım Postu ilanlarını görüntülüyorsunuz

It's a versatile makeup sponge used to apply and blend foundation, concealer and other liquid form Material: non latex, hydrophilic polyurethane foam

We are interested in colour cosmetics . We are brand in Pakistan named as M*********

We are a company from ********. We are engaged in the sale of non-food products. We have many wholesale buyers and a network of retail stores. I am interested in your products. I want to see your price list. You can contact me on WhatsApp +37***********4. My name is ********. I will wait for your answer. I am also interested in the Euro-1 certificate for all products.

I need to contact a manufacturing company that can develop for me dry powder makeup

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