Mobil Uygulamamızı ücretsiz indirin Anlık mesajlaşma özelliği ile Mesajlaşma şu an yayında, hemen kullanmaya başla!
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Libya Kimya Sanayii İhracat Alım İlanları Libya için Kimya Sanayii İhracatı İlanları, Libya Kimya Sanayii İhracat Alım İlanları

Libya için Kimya Sanayii Alım İlanları ve Libya Kimya Sanayii İhracat Fırsatları

Libya'den Kimya Sanayii kategorisindeki Alım Postu ilanlarını görüntülüyorsunuz

Could you please provide us with best price and data sheet for item below. Calcium Hypochlorite 70%. 3000KG

We are interested in buying UCO because we are planning to start a soap business soon. Our initial monthly needs are expected to be around 20-22 Tons. Hopefully, we can arrange larger regular shipments in the future. Can it be shipped in a flexitank?. Is it always a mix of different types of oils? Are there oil specifications that you go by? like M.iu, saponification value, water content, etc.?

I would like to import ethanol from Türkiye Ethanol 96% Give me the price at the beginning and the quantity is unlimited

we would like to inquire about Soda ash light we need at least one container 20DC. 2. We need around 800kg monthly i mean Our company is for wooling industries (washing, drying and pressing )

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