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Hazır Giyim - Moda / Üniforma - Önlük - İş Elbiseleri İhracat Alım İlanları Hazır Giyim - Moda için Üniforma - Önlük - İş Elbiseleri İhracatı İlanları, Hazır Giyim - Moda / Üniforma - Önlük - İş Elbiseleri İhracat Alım İlanları

Hazır Giyim - Moda için Üniforma - Önlük - İş Elbiseleri Alım İlanları ve Hazır Giyim - Moda / Üniforma - Önlük - İş Elbiseleri İhracat Fırsatları

Hazır Giyim - Moda kategorisindeki Üniforma - Önlük - İş Elbiseleri alt kategorisindeki Alım Postu ilanlarını görüntülüyorsunuz

Dear, can you make medical compression suit for me? Im already selling Colombian medical garments but Im looking for a fabric in Turkey to manufacture my own compression garments the same model as my Colombian garment but more improved. is this possible?

Hello, I am looking for medical clothes (uniform, head cap, etc.). Please send me your catalogue on my WhatsApp number. Thank you, and have a nice day.

I'm from Iraq, and I'd like to ask about scrubs and lab coats. What are the models and the prices?

Can you help us find factories that make medical clothing? I need tailoring under my brand and shipping cargo to Russia

I'm interested in making medical clothes under my own brand sell Tell me the factories that sew medical clothes so that you can use your logo and they cheered would like to sew in Turkey to sell in Russia

Peace be upon you, we ask you to send us catalogs of your products related to medical clothing, with a price schedule, for shipping to Algeria.

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