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Gıda Sanayii / Yumurta Yumurta Ürünleri İhracat Alım İlanları Rusya için Yumurta Yumurta Ürünleri İhracatı İlanları, Gıda Sanayii / Yumurta Yumurta Ürünleri İhracat Alım İlanları

Gıda Sanayii için Yumurta Yumurta Ürünleri Alım İlanları ve Yumurta Yumurta Ürünleri / Rusya İhracat Fırsatları

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Please send the price list to ross 308. What is the minimum order quantity?

Please tell us about the prices of your products. We are wondering whether it makes sense to import eggs to Russia.

ROSS 308 veya Cobb 500 (broyler) kuluçkalık yumurtalara ihtiyacımız var. 800 kutu (288.000 yumurta) Ayda 2 teslimat.

We want to bring eggs to Russia from Turkey, sizes C0, C1. Deliveries will be every month, in the next month we need 2 truckloads of eggs, approximately 40 tons of eggs, 600,000 thousand eggs

i call from Moscow we interested to import eggs to Russia we need export price-list for chicken eggs different categories

I'm looking for Turkish egg manufactures and exporters required q-ty one refrigerator truck or 290 000 pieces, price required ex-works

Hello, we are looking for a large supplier of chicken eggs to Russia. How can I get acquainted with your price list?

Hello, would you like to cooperate in purchasing chicken eggs in large quantities, which is necessary for you to buy them regularly?

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