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We are currently exploring new suppliers for below mentioned products and we came across your company. Based on our initial research, we believe that your offerings may align with our requirements, and we are interested in learning more about your products and pricing. 1000 litter Garden Sprayer 1 Nos Type: Tractor Mounted Attachment Tank: 1000 litter Tank Type : Polyethylene with hose Hose Rolling capacity : B/W 30 -50 Meters Hose Type : 50 -80 Bar 2000 litter Garden Sprayer 1 nos Type: Tractor Mounted Attachment Tank: 2000 litter Tank Type : Polyethylene with hose Piston : 4 Membranse Pump Flowrate 80- 100Litter /minute with 50 Bar hose Hose Rolling capacity : 30 -50 Meters Hose Type : 90Bar 10mm Guns: Long & Short Knapsack sprayer 4 nos Type : Backpack with shoulder straps Capacity – 20 – 25 Litter Working Pressure : 0.4 – 0.8 Mpa Spray Type : Mist Through Nozzles Body : High Quality PP thermoplastic Turf Boom Sprayer Machine 1 Nos Commercial / heavy / Gasoline Tank Capacity : 1200 – 1500L Engine power : 40 – 50 Hp Frame : Welded Steel Forward Ground Speed : 0 -16 km/h Width : 2- 3 meters Booms forward

Dear Sir/Madam, The ministry of ***** of ***** under the directorate of presidential contracts committee division has appointed ***** ***** LLC to source out a competent company to Bid & Tender for the supply of Farm sprayer equipment and we have the honor to cordially invite your company for this project. This Invitation for Bids (IFB) follows the General Procurement Notice under Restricted International Bidding (RIB) Procurement for Bid and Tender to supply Farm sprayer equipment.

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