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Gıda Sanayii İthalat İhracat , Gıda Sanayii İhracat İlanları, Gıda Sanayii alanında İthalat İhracat Alım Satım Teklifleri Listesi

Gıda Sanayii İthalat ve İhracat Fırsatları Gıda Sanayii İhracatı Teklifleri ile Gıda Sanayii İthalatçıları ve İthalat Şirketleri Listesi

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I would like to know the prices of the spices mentioned below and the minimum order quantity for each product. I want to buy spices in their natural, ungrounded form. The products I am interested in are: Orange lentils I would also like you to provide details regarding delivery and payment terms. Thank you in advance for your interest.

I would like to know the prices of the spices mentioned below and the minimum order quantity for each product. I want to buy spices in their natural, ungrounded form. The products I am interested in are: Dried coriander I would also like you to provide details regarding delivery and payment terms. Thank you in advance for your interest.

I would like to know the prices of the spices mentioned below and the minimum order quantity for each product. I want to buy spices in their natural, ungrounded form. The products I am interested in are: Black pepper I would also like you to provide details regarding delivery and payment terms. Thank you in advance for your interest.

I would like to know the prices of the spices mentioned below and the minimum order quantity for each product. I want to buy spices in their natural, ungrounded form. The products I am interested in are: Cumin I would also like you to provide details regarding delivery and payment terms.

We are looking for premium-quality red lentils harvested in Russia or Canada. Our inquiry will be a 1x20 ft container to evaluate the market, but before purchasing, we need a sample to send to the laboratory for analysis.

I want to sell My product ****company Cumin green Coriander green Black seed Anise

Yunanistan'dan bir müşteri her hafta 3 konteyner gönderilecek Flexi tank (22 Ton) için 1 yıllık bir satın alma yapmak istiyor. Bu talebi karşılamamız mümkün mü? Saygılarımla Dr.********

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