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Gıda Sanayii / Pastacılık Malzemeleri / Bulgaristan Talepleri

Bulgaristan'den Gıda Sanayii kategorisindeki Pastacılık Malzemeleri alt kategorisindeki ilanları görüntülüyorsunuz

We are about to open a store and we would like to know if you are delivering to Bulgaria?

Turkiye’den Bulgaristan’a Fransiz Makaron p satin almak istiyoruz.

Please to sendme contact to comanies food manifacturers and exporter also beverage and drinkd cooking oils.

I am contacting you in my interest in your product. Would you be kind enough to tell me more about your company and the products you can produce and supply?

What are the capabilities of your company for production and supply of sour cream powder? Fat,%, not less: 42,0 Moisture,%, no more: 4,0

Bulgaristan'daki kurulmus sirketimizin, asagidaki sut tozu urunleri talebi mevcuttur: 1. Protein - 31, Yag orani - 1.25 (1 TIR/ay) 2. Protein - 10, Yag orani - 1.25 (1 TIR/ay) 3. Protein - 10, Yag orani - 2.6 (1 TIR/ay)

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