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Elektrik ve Elektronik İthalat İhracat , Elektrik ve Elektronik İhracat İlanları, Elektrik ve Elektronik alanında İthalat İhracat Alım Satım Teklifleri Listesi

Elektrik ve Elektronik İthalat ve İhracat Fırsatları Elektrik ve Elektronik İhracatı Teklifleri ile Elektrik ve Elektronik İthalatçıları ve İthalat Şirketleri Listesi

Elektrik ve Elektronik kategorisindeki ilanları görüntülüyorsunuz

Dear Sir we are based in Lima Peru South America. We are seeing lately Turkish companies establishing operations in our country, and I wish to underline that Sea Ports Concessions are their primary market target. Said this, we wish to establish a Portfolio of Turkish Co´s who have expertise, experience and overall contacts in the Sea Port Supply chain ranging from electrical equipment

Please prepare an RFQ for Spare Part Name Model Quantity, Pcs. 26. Complete Gasket Set of Global, Guvenal Brand for Best Transformer 54 Mva, Serial 043889 Ge Grid 3 27. Complete Gasket Set of Global, Guvenal Brand for Best Transformer 1000 Kva, Serial 043895 Ge Grid 2 that includes all details like costs, shipping terms, and additional options available.

I am looking for a dealership for contactors, relays, MCCB, MCB, MPCB, and breakers in Nigeria. Thank you

We seek a detailed cost breakdown for Electrical Materials, highlighting pricing, delivery logistics, and any available warranties.

We are Lebanese company we import electric products from china euro and turkey Please text me on WhatsApp 96******

Please find attached the list of material for your review. Kindly provide us with the commercial proposal if it is under your scope of work on EXW Incoterms. Thank you! Best regards / С уважением Y********** Tender and Procurement Specialist Mobile: +993*************6 IE "Pa***********" ************t, Turkmenistan, 74******

I would like to have a list of available electrical materials and their respective prices. I intend to start a business in this area.

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