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Deri Ürünleri ve Ayakkabı İthalat İhracat , Deri Ürünleri ve Ayakkabı İhracat İlanları, Deri Ürünleri ve Ayakkabı alanında İthalat İhracat Alım Satım Teklifleri Listesi

Deri Ürünleri ve Ayakkabı İthalat ve İhracat Fırsatları Deri Ürünleri ve Ayakkabı İhracatı Teklifleri ile Deri Ürünleri ve Ayakkabı İthalatçıları ve İthalat Şirketleri Listesi

Deri Ürünleri ve Ayakkabı kategorisindeki ilanları görüntülüyorsunuz

I currently import plain white ladies' flip-flops from China. However, the quality is not as good as it was, and I am now looking for a new manufacturer/supplier. I normally import around 4,000 pairs (made up of mixed sizes) around 3-4 times a year. I won't provide quotes including all shipping/taxes, etc., delivered door-to-door.

I'm a purchasing manager within the company *********** *********** , also known as "*********** ." You'll find below some of our style needs for Outsole. Could you please check if you have similar items in your inventory?

We are exploring the option of purchasing Soles for Shoes and request an RFQ outlining prices, terms, and availability.

I received a request for the supply of 100,000 pcs of EVA slippers. Please contact me on WhatsApp. I will send you similar characteristics.

Hi, I am interested in eva soles for running shoes. Please let me know how we can communicate to see available designs.

I am founding a startup company based in Egypt specializing in producing high-quality sneakers. As we are currently in the process of sourcing premium materials for our production line, we came across your company and were impressed by your reputation in designing and manufacturing exceptional shoe soles. We are very interested in exploring your product offerings and would greatly appreciate it if you could share your latest brochure or catalog featuring your designs. Additionally, we would like to inquire about the possibility of visiting your factory to better understand your production capabilities and discuss potential collaboration opportunities.

terlik ve sandelet sattığımız bir markamız var. kendi ürünlerimizi üretmek istiyoruz. bu konuda sizlerle çalışmak istiyorum en kısa zamanda dönerseniz çok sevinirim

Our company is based in the Czech republic with production of water sports accessories. We are currently looking for supplier of EVA molded products and parts for our products. Required molded parts would be of our custom design and specifications. Detials can be shared upon individual request. Please contact us. Thank you!

i am looking for manufacturers of EVA foam and leather. It is hard to say what quantity we need but at this point i am interested in the price that we can get from manufacturers close by. Thank you for your time!

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