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Çin'den ilanları görüntülüyorsunuz

Our company specializes in the production of nitrogen generators and oxygen generators

ir which was sucked in from air intake tower enters the suction air filter and after being removed of dust and other mechanical contaminants in it, it is compressed to the pressure of 1.0MPa by piston air compressor. Air from the air compressor is cooled to ~5℃ in the refrigeration unit, taken into the molecular sieve adsorber for removing H2O, C2H2 and CO2. There are two molecular sieve adsorbers which operate on a staggered cycle, i.e. one vessel is adsorbing the contained impurities while the

The ASP generates oxygen and nitrogen by cryogenics and is comprised of high-efficiency centrifugal compressor, molecular sieve purification, turbo expander for refrigeration and energy-saving rectification equipments. The control for the device is completed by DCS, and the particular patented technology owned by DEAR Air Separation Industrial Co. is adopted in the technological process which follows the most advanced and general international conventions

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