Mobil Uygulamamızı ücretsiz indirin Anlık mesajlaşma özelliği ile Mesajlaşma şu an yayında, hemen kullanmaya başla!
Tüm Menü

I am interested in blouses for men and women with a good quality and a convenient price.

I am from the ****** Tex company in Türkiye and we work in importing and exporting modest clothing. We offer a wide selection of high quality clothing and modern designs. We welcome your cooperation, and would like to know the details of your request so that we can help you more and understand your needs more accurately. If you have any questions, please contact us. With appreciation and respect.

I am looking for information and pricing for men’s and women’s short and long sleeve white shirts, in various sizes. I am also requesting the shirts will have our hotel logo attached to the left arm sleeve or stitched to the front.

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