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Makine Sanayii / Sondaj Makine Ve Ekipmanlar / Kamerun Talepleri

Kamerun'den Makine Sanayii kategorisindeki Sondaj Makine ve Ekipmanlar alt kategorisindeki ilanları görüntülüyorsunuz

Hello, I would like to acquire a drill on tracks for characteristic. I would like it to be very compact, very light and know how much it will be able to count

we would like to have a complete quote for a drilling machine up to 200 meters mounted on a 6x4 truck.

Need a quote and technical characteristics of a water drilling rig with a capacity of 120 m

We are sourcing for the following equipment and shall be grateful if you can revert with appropriate pricing for our attention.

we have a project in cameroon for a complete multi line juice (pineapple, mangoes, orange,...) and also mineral water production. - for juice line, we plan to start with 1000 up to 3000 kg / hour, all will also depend of your offer because now we have 300 hectares of plantation of pineapple and per week we produce 40 tonnes per week and in three years we plan to produce 80 tonnes per week - for drilling water 10000 liter per day that will be mineralised in bottle of 2liter and 20 liters we ar

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