Mobil Uygulamamızı ücretsiz indirin Anlık mesajlaşma özelliği ile Mesajlaşma şu an yayında, hemen kullanmaya başla!
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I know Turkie has lot of hotels, i am searching companies that provide all needs for hotels i should add also resturant , bar, .... I AM FROM IRAN BUT WE HAVE OFFICE IN TURKIE ,

I would like a quote for a pizza oven, shawarma machine, refrigerated display case, bain-marie, gas fryer, beverage cabinet, etc.

I’m looking for all tableware and tablecloths and trays

I would like to buy glass tables, chairs, flowers, tablecloths, dishes, dishes, all for an industrial kitchen

i m restaurant owner pls share yr catalog Commercial pressure fryer,Nitrogen Ice cream making machine,thom/ketch up filling machines etc opening new branch of fast food restaurant (Broast/Pizza/Burgers/Sand witch n Fish)

look for a restaurant equipment factory, specifically mud machines and shawarma machines.

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