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Otomotiv - Taşıt Araçları / Bangladeş Alım Satım İş Birliği Nakliye İhale İlanları Bangladeş için İhracatı İlanları, Bangladeş İthalat ve İhracat

Otomotiv - Taşıt Araçları / Bangladeş İthalat İhracat Şirketleri Alım Teklifleri Bangladeş İthalat İhracat Fırsatları

Bangladeş'den Otomotiv - Taşıt Araçları kategorisindeki ilanları görüntülüyorsunuz

Please refer to my earlier message on car refinishing products marketing in Bangladesh. I look forward to hearing from you soon about your interest in exploring the Bangladeshi market. Your response on this matter will be highly appreciated.

We would like to know about your ancillary products, especially Polly putty, primer and its hardener, lacquer and its hardener, 1k and 2k paint, and car polish. First of all, we are interested to know whether you are the manufacturer of these products and whether you are interested in expanding your market to this region. If so, we may request that you please send samples of your products to check the market's potential. Price and quality would be major considerations for comparison with other similar products available in Bangladesh.

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