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Savunma Sanayii İthalat İhracat , Savunma Sanayii İhracat İlanları, Savunma Sanayii alanında İthalat İhracat Alım Satım Teklifleri Listesi

Savunma Sanayii İthalat ve İhracat Fırsatları Savunma Sanayii İhracatı Teklifleri ile Savunma Sanayii İthalatçıları ve İthalat Şirketleri Listesi

Savunma Sanayii kategorisindeki ilanları görüntülüyorsunuz

In need of medium and large calibre ammunition manufacturers to partner with.

Hello . I want to inquire about hunting cartridges, prices and types

We are looking for ammo manufacturer from Turkey

I need cartridge The required number is 100 assorted packets Cage 12 Multiple weight

The price of the Turkish cartridge arrived in Benghazi, Libya, and the arrival time

Can you please give the prices of the 24gr trap ans skeet cartridges, and do you export to other countries like Malta?

Bizimle çalıṣabilecek hangi ṣirketi tavsiye edersiniz? 9x19 5x56 7.62 12.7 40x46 40x56 Talep edilen mermilerin kodları bu ṣekilde.

Following equipment are urgently required against International tenders floated recently : 1. 12 Bore Shotgun: 12,000 pcs. 2. Bullet Proof body Armored vests (Level III A) :20,0000 pcs 3. Leg Shin Guards (For male) : 10,000 pairs. 4. Polycarbonate Shields : 10,000 pcs. 5. 12 bore Shotgun Cartridge (Rubber Ball): 10,00,000 pcs 6. 38 mm Tear Gas Shell (Long Range) : 1,00,000 pcs 7. Sound Grenade : 30,000 pcs. 8. Multi-impact Tear Gas Grenade: 15,000 pcs. 9. Flash bang Grenade: 7,000 pcs.

I would like to know about your product. Cartridges for a gun. We are carriers, our client wants to order cartridges in large quantities. We would like to know the package sizes of your products.

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