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Yapı ve İnşaat / Gürcistan Alım Satım İş Birliği Nakliye İhale İlanları Gürcistan için İhracatı İlanları, Gürcistan İthalat ve İhracat

Yapı ve İnşaat / Gürcistan İthalat İhracat Şirketleri Alım Teklifleri Gürcistan İthalat İhracat Fırsatları

Gürcistan'den Yapı ve İnşaat kategorisindeki ilanları görüntülüyorsunuz

we are searching companies in turkey, who produces square and round pipes, beams and channels, angle bars and steel sheets.

I am looking for industrial iron construction to import in Georgia usually I want import it, at this stage for 2000 m2 warehouse

Our company wants to import the following products from Turkey: 1. Stell ( reber, Angel bars, square bars T profile) Best Regards LTD A***********m ********** Tel.: +995**********

I am interested in metal items 1. Pipe square 60x60x3 2. Pipe square 100x100x3 3. Pipe square 50x50x3 4. Pipe square 80x40x3 5. Pipe square 25x25x2 6. Pipe square 10x20x1.5 7. Pipe square 50x25x2 8. Pipe Square 60x20x2 9. Pipe square 40x40x3 10. Pipe square 30x20x2 11. Pipe square 40x20x2 12. Pipe square 40x20x2 13. Beam channel 12 mm 14. Pipes 42.4x2 15. Pipes 42.4x2.5 16. Pipes 26.9x2 17. Steel strips 100x6 18. Steel strips 80x6 19. Steel strips 50x5 20. Steel Plate 6000x1500x3 21. Steel Plate 2500x1250x3

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