Mobil Uygulamamızı ücretsiz indirin Anlık mesajlaşma özelliği ile Mesajlaşma şu an yayında, hemen kullanmaya başla!
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I am looking for a supplier who can design scarves for women Briefly about myself: I founded a modest clothing company in Stockholm, which started with selling scarves, and I plan to expand it to clothes over time My company is based in S******* and initially my customer base will be in Europe.

I sell hijabs and abayas in the UK and am looking to change my supplier from Pakistan to Turkey. Could you please contact me on WhatsApp to discuss.

Is it possible to connect silk factories that produce silk scarves and handkerchiefs?

Im looking for silk scarves Manufacturer silk scarves personalized in bulk.

Hey, may I know if you sell hijabs? If so, can you send me the models, sizes, prices and different colors. THANKS

I am looking for a scarf Wholesale how much will chiffon scarves be?

I want to make wholesale square silk scarfs 100% silk georgette chiffon 9mm Digital printing Size after hand rolling hem 148cm×148cm

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