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Наша компания производит фетровые пакеты с инструкциями по стирке для производителей джинсовой ткани. Мы хотели бы оказать вам услуги в этой области.

Delinter cotton. 300 tons currently. FCA Ashkabat. Price $***/ton

I want to produce t-shirts in Türkiye I am looking for a textile company. I want to buy. It can also be the finished product, fabric halide or "I want to have classic single color t-shirts produced. For this, I request catalogs from companies that have fabric or products." I will start a company, it will be somewhere in between, I will either buy the fabric, find a tailor and produce t-shirts. Either I will find the t-shirt and market it.

ben linter pamuk ihracatçısıyım linter pamuk alıcıları lazım

Türkiye de OE İPLIK üreten fabrikaların listesini istiyoruz open end iplik

I'm looking for a fabric - kulirka with lycra. 1. White color, density from 210 to 230 grams. 2. Black color, density from 200 grams. 3. I will consider other colors, with a density of 200 grams.

Çin'e ihraç edilmek üzere 3000 ton pamuk talebi mevcut

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