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Строительство И Здание / Туркменистан Запросы

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We are looking to purchase epoxy grouting Quantity: 11m3 Price 1: EXW your location Price 2: DAP or DDP Turkmenistan, city of Ashgabat or town of Mary Packaging: the maximum whole sale packaging form Standard: indicate what Local and International Quality Standard your cement corresponds to. Specifications: Minimum compressive strength = 7 days of 96 Mpa(≒980 kg/cm2) ASTM C 579.

Synhthepon ( syntephon) 6d 850$ 7d 950$ 15d 1000$ (32)(64) 15$ Soft tile per square

urun katalogunuzu gonderebilirmisinz -Lavabolar, klozetler, seramik islak alan urunleri

Laminate, linoleum, armstrong ceilings 60x60, profiles J, U. Emulsion palisane inner and outer. That's all we need from the manufacturer Tiles wall and floor

Matkap uyumlu fayans delme panc: Ø 30mm, Ø 55mm, Ø 65mm satin almak istiyoruz. Birim bazli fiyatlariniz vermenizi rica ediyoruz

Turkmenistandaki insaat firmamiza 15 000 metrekare Beyaz Mermer alinacak

I need a company to whom I can give a list of building materials I need so that they can provide me with prices

Biz bir ticaret sirketiyiz ve su anda fayans urunlerinizle cok ilgileniyoruz. Fiyat listenizi eklerseniz cok minettar oluruz.

We need your offer for the following products: wall and floor tiles for the price from 10 to 18 $

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